Of course, if you ask a Brussels policymaker to name a role model for internet regulation, China won't be on their list. (Photo: Howard Lake)

China's cat-and mouse game blocking web content no model for EU

China's content clampdowns have driven internet users to underground digital spaces that are much harder to keep tabs on.

The EU rightly wants to stop online hate speech and disinformation and knows that any regulation should be a balancing act between security and freedom of speech.

Sadly, the EU is currently leaning toward prioritising safety over liberty, a fraught approach akin to one Beijing has been pursuing for two decades. China proves that sacrificing freedom for securi...

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Daniela Stockmann is the author of Media Commercialization and Authoritarian Rule in China, (Cambridge University Press, 2013), received the 2015 Goldsmith Book Prize awarded by the Harvard Kennedy School Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy.

Of course, if you ask a Brussels policymaker to name a role model for internet regulation, China won't be on their list. (Photo: Howard Lake)


Author Bio

Daniela Stockmann is the author of Media Commercialization and Authoritarian Rule in China, (Cambridge University Press, 2013), received the 2015 Goldsmith Book Prize awarded by the Harvard Kennedy School Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy.


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