Mar 26, 2025
Polls ahead of Norway elections on 11 September show equal support (26%) for Norways ruling coservative party as well as for it's main opposition party, Labour. Such a hung result could hand the small parties a key role in forming the next government. (Photo: Alexander Shchukin)

EU ties under pressure in run-up to Norway election

by Aleksandra Eriksson, Brussels, September 5, 2017, 6:02:34 AM
1 co-observer

Norway's next government could have to review the country's relations with the EU, as EU-critical parties are expected to gain ground in the general elections on 11 September.

Both of the largest parties - the Conservatives, which currently rules Norway in a coalition government, and Labour, which hopes to take over - would like to continue with the current relationship format, based on the European Economic Area (EEA).

The EEA, which Norway joined in 1994, gives the country acce...

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Polls ahead of Norway elections on 11 September show equal support (26%) for Norways ruling coservative party as well as for it's main opposition party, Labour. Such a hung result could hand the small parties a key role in forming the next government. (Photo: Alexander Shchukin)



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