As the founders of these independent media outlets, we watch from exile as what was once seen as a bastion of democracy in Central Asia crumbles. Despite substantial support from the EU over the years, Kyrgyzstan is rapidly regressing. (Photo: Flickr)


Why Kyrgyzstan is far from the bastion of democracy the EU thinks it is

In January 2024, Kyrgyzstan’s authorities detained 11 journalists from Temirov Live, an investigative media outlet – every staff member they could locate, along with some former known associates. Among them was the current director, Mahabat Tazhybek Kyzy, the spouse of Bolot Temirov, the organization’s founder, previously deported following a sham trial in November 2022. Makhabat now faced eight years in p...

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Author Bio

Bolot Temirov is a Kyrgyz human rights defender and investigative journalist who founded Temirov.LiveRinat Tuhvatshin is a Kyrgyz human rights defender and human rights journalist who co-founded Kloop Media. They are both currently living in exile.

As the founders of these independent media outlets, we watch from exile as what was once seen as a bastion of democracy in Central Asia crumbles. Despite substantial support from the EU over the years, Kyrgyzstan is rapidly regressing. (Photo: Flickr)


Author Bio

Bolot Temirov is a Kyrgyz human rights defender and investigative journalist who founded Temirov.LiveRinat Tuhvatshin is a Kyrgyz human rights defender and human rights journalist who co-founded Kloop Media. They are both currently living in exile.


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