Angela Merkel's trademark hand pose. The German chancellor has led Germany for 12 years. (Photo: Wikimedia)


The Merkelisation of Europe

Angela Merkel, often described as the EU's most powerful leader, is running for a fourth time in Germany's federal elections on Sunday (24 September).

In her time as German chancellor, there have been a number of drastic changes across Europe. But, from the moment she took office twelve years ago, Brussels couldn't have been disappointed.

Die Welt described her "astonishing skill" in handling European strategy. The Financial Times already declared the EU novice, who had been chanc...

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Author Bio

This article was produced by the Spiegel Online as part of the European Data Journalism Network and translated by Simon Pickstone from VoxEurop.

The European Data Journalism Network (EDJNet) is a new platform for data-driven news on European affairs brought to you in up to 12 languages by a consortium of media and data journalists from all over Europe, which includes EUobserver.


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Angela Merkel's trademark hand pose. The German chancellor has led Germany for 12 years. (Photo: Wikimedia)


Author Bio

This article was produced by the Spiegel Online as part of the European Data Journalism Network and translated by Simon Pickstone from VoxEurop.

The European Data Journalism Network (EDJNet) is a new platform for data-driven news on European affairs brought to you in up to 12 languages by a consortium of media and data journalists from all over Europe, which includes EUobserver.


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