Zoltán Kovács: government commissioner for the 2024 Hungarian EU presidency. (Photo: Zoltan Kovacs' office)


Right of Reply: the Hungarian government on Russia sanctions and its EU presidency

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Dear Editor,

In an all-too-predictable display of prejudice, new criticisms claiming Hungary's EU presidency would pander to Russian or Chinese interests have appeared, attempting to throw unfounded doubt on our upcoming leadership. Let's uncover the motivations behind these claims.

First and foremost, the allegations that Hungary is attempting to "defang new Russia sanctions" are simply false and a deliberate attempt to undermine our commitment to EU standards. Hungary's appeal to review particular sanctions against Russia stemmed from real economic concerns, not geopolitical favoritism. Our goal was to address the possible negative effects on European enterprises, a reasonable approach frequently distorted by naysayers.

Anonymous diplomats and opposition individuals are also often cited, with speculative statements presented as facts. According to these reports, Hungary intends to postpone the 14th round of sanctions, a claim that lacks any proof. Hungary has a strong track record of defending the EU's common security, which we will preserve throughout our presidency.

Critics also attacked prime minister Viktor Orbán's meeting with president Vladimir Putin in China. This was a normal diplomatic exercise, not a sign of shifting allegiance. Hungary is a committed member of Nato and the EU, and will defend its principles and security arrangements.

Critics such as Andrew Rettman further misinterpret Hungary's position on sanctions, implying isolation inside the EU. Hungary merely argues for balanced methods that take into account member states' various economic environments. 

Opposition leaders, including Ágnes Vadai and Márton Gyöngyösi, say Hungary will use the presidency to further illiberal policies. Predicting an "inconclusive and insubstantial" presidency is a preemptive strike designed to undermine our efforts before they begin and serve only to advance such leaders’ personal objectives.

Finally, the repeated charges of aiding Russian or Chinese interests are baseless and part of a larger narrative intended to tarnish Hungary. We urge detractors to give Hungary the opportunity to demonstrate its capabilities and commitment, rather than engage in false speculation and divisive language.

The EU Council presidency carries significant responsibilities, and Hungary is well aware of the scrutiny it will undergo. We are dedicated to serving as impartial brokers, ensuring that the interests of the whole EU are protected.

It's time to move past these baseless accusations and focus on our common goals and obligations.

Zoltán Kovács

Government commissioner for the 2024 Hungarian EU presidency

Author Bio

Zoltán Kovács is government commissioner for the 2024 Hungarian EU presidency.

Zoltán Kovács: government commissioner for the 2024 Hungarian EU presidency. (Photo: Zoltan Kovacs' office)


Author Bio

Zoltán Kovács is government commissioner for the 2024 Hungarian EU presidency.
