Unemployment and declining social mobility risk becoming long-term weights on the European economy, says the study (Photo: Valentina Pop)

Juncker urged to revive 'Social Europe' model

The ‘Social Europe’ model must be revived if the EU is to avoid lumbering itself with low social mobility and other economic millstones, according to a report published Monday (23 February) by Brussels-based think-tank Friends of Europe.

The ‘Unequal Europe’ report is the product of a 25-member ‘expert group’, chaired by former Belgian deputy premier and social affairs minister Frank Vandenbroucke, including former employment commissioner Laszlo Andor and Pascal Lamy, the former directo...

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Author Bio

Benjamin Fox is a seasoned reporter and editor, previously working for fellow Brussels publication Euractiv. His reporting has also been published in the Guardian, the East African, Euractiv, Private Eye and Africa Confidential, among others. He heads up the AU-EU section at EUobserver, based in Nairobi, Kenya.

Unemployment and declining social mobility risk becoming long-term weights on the European economy, says the study (Photo: Valentina Pop)


Author Bio

Benjamin Fox is a seasoned reporter and editor, previously working for fellow Brussels publication Euractiv. His reporting has also been published in the Guardian, the East African, Euractiv, Private Eye and Africa Confidential, among others. He heads up the AU-EU section at EUobserver, based in Nairobi, Kenya.


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