EU taxpayers' money worth $3.8 billion was used as a guarantee for the construction of coal-fired power plants (Photo: Ørjan F. Ellingvag / Nobel Peace Center)

EU nations climate-minded at home, but promoting coal products abroad

EU states like France and Germany might be talking up their climate-change-fighting credentials at home, but they are also helping companies export technology for power plants that run on coal, the most polluting of the fossil fuels.

EU taxpayers' money worth $3.8 billion was used as a guarantee for the construction of coal-fired power plants, according to a recently leaked document.

While the EU has several policies in place aimed at reducing the emission of greenhouse gases on ...

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EU taxpayers' money worth $3.8 billion was used as a guarantee for the construction of coal-fired power plants (Photo: Ørjan F. Ellingvag / Nobel Peace Center)



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