Greece and parts of south-eastern Europe are currently registering temperatures far above normal

Greek wildfires linked to climate change

Scientists have linked climate change to the devastating wildfires that have engulfed parts of Greece, including areas close to Athens.

The fire, which broke out on Sunday and by Monday had spread to the suburbs of the capital, destroying more than 10,000 hectares of land, came at a time of abnormally high temperatures in Greece.

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Author Bio

Wester is a journalist from the Netherlands with a focus on the green economy. He joined EUobserver in September 2021. Previously he was editor-in-chief of Vice, Motherboard, a science-based website, and climate economy journalist for The Correspondent.

Greece and parts of south-eastern Europe are currently registering temperatures far above normal


Author Bio

Wester is a journalist from the Netherlands with a focus on the green economy. He joined EUobserver in September 2021. Previously he was editor-in-chief of Vice, Motherboard, a science-based website, and climate economy journalist for The Correspondent.


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