Such a scenario - the US giving free reign to Turkey to invade north east Syria - would have grave consequences for Europe, which has hardly been able to cope with the wave of migrants from Syria and which has left the EU being heavily dependent on Turkey (Photo:

Europe can fill security gap left by US in Syria

The decision by president Donald Trump to withdraw US forces from Syria has sent shock waves throughout Syria, the Middle East and the entire globe.

It has left many officials and observers, not the least in Washington, flabbergasted about what is going to happen if the US actually withdraw all of its troops from north east Syria, as president Trump has announced to do.

The decision was received with a great deal of astonishment given that in recent months numerous US senior off...

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Matthew is EUobserver's Opinion Editor. He joined EUobserver in June 2018. Previously he worked as a reporter for The Guardian in London, and as editor for AFP in Paris and DPA in Berlin.

Such a scenario - the US giving free reign to Turkey to invade north east Syria - would have grave consequences for Europe, which has hardly been able to cope with the wave of migrants from Syria and which has left the EU being heavily dependent on Turkey (Photo:


Author Bio

Matthew is EUobserver's Opinion Editor. He joined EUobserver in June 2018. Previously he worked as a reporter for The Guardian in London, and as editor for AFP in Paris and DPA in Berlin.


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