Product safety might seem like a negligible problem given the overarching challenges EU decision-makers face - but the safety of products directly affects the health and safety of tens of thousands of shoppers (Photo: Peppercorn Pixie)

EU a 'Wild West' for China's unsafe toys, gadgets and clothes

The EU has forged the concept known as 'open strategic autonomy' to foster the EU's sovereignty and assertiveness in its trade between both rivals and partners.

But with respect to China, the EU's path is everything but clear: the sudden finalisation of the EU-China investment agreement, followed by its placing in a deep freezer months after its finalisation following Chinese sanctions on parliamentarians, executives and NGOs in the EU, indicates that the EU is equally nervous about an...

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Product safety might seem like a negligible problem given the overarching challenges EU decision-makers face - but the safety of products directly affects the health and safety of tens of thousands of shoppers (Photo: Peppercorn Pixie)



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