Climate change will continue to accelerate, oblivious to the machinations and myopia of EU bubble policymakers whose tired tactics cannot seriously address the challenge of our times (Photo: Silje Bergum Kinsten)

Big polluters should have no role in planning EU energy policy

Monday (27 June) sees the EU energy council, where ministers will — among other things — seek to reach agreement on two-energy-related proposals: the energy directive and the renewable energy directive.

Yet let's look at the background lobbying.

Energy company lobbyists made up the largest delegation at last November's UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, with more participants than any single country.


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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

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Climate change will continue to accelerate, oblivious to the machinations and myopia of EU bubble policymakers whose tired tactics cannot seriously address the challenge of our times (Photo: Silje Bergum Kinsten)


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