Green MEP Judith Sargentini has worked on the report for over a year (Photo: European Parliament)

Orban allies divided in vote on Hungary sanctions probe

The European Parliament has stepped up efforts to have EU member states examine the state of Hungary's rule of law and democracy, in an unprecedented move by the body.

On Monday (25 June) MEPs in the civil liberties committee voted to trigger an EU sanction process against Hungary over violations of the rule of law and a breach of EU values by the government of prime minister Viktor Orban.

The vote comes only a week after the Hungarian parliament

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Author Bio

Eszter Zalan is a Hungarian journalist who worked for Brussels-based news portal EUobserver specialising in European politics, focusing on populism and Brexit.

Green MEP Judith Sargentini has worked on the report for over a year (Photo: European Parliament)


Author Bio

Eszter Zalan is a Hungarian journalist who worked for Brussels-based news portal EUobserver specialising in European politics, focusing on populism and Brexit.


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