What needs revision? Unlike in some member states, the EU guarantees the right of access to "documents", not "information" and this is a critical distinction. If no document about an issue exists, information is denied. (Photo: European Ombudsman)

20 years of public access to EU documents: time for makeover?

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the coming into force of the EU 'transparency law' (officially, Regulation 1049/2001), a move which gave concrete expression to the right of public access to EU documents and significantly increased the accountability of the EU administration.

Two decades on and the practice of requesting public access to documents is now well established, used by investigative m...

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver
What needs revision? Unlike in some member states, the EU guarantees the right of access to "documents", not "information" and this is a critical distinction. If no document about an issue exists, information is denied. (Photo: European Ombudsman)



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