'Some people should have to go to prison' says Juan Branco, the lawyer behind a complaint at the International Criminal Court at the Hague examining the EU's policy on migration - particularly Libya (Photo: Emma Sofia Dedorson)


Meet the lawyer taking the EU migration policy to the ICC

Juan Branco is one of Europe's most in-demand lawyers. He used to work for the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague, in addition to the French foreign ministry, and he is currently on Julian Assange's defence team.

Now he wants to see European Union officials and member states prosecuted for "crimes against humanity" for the bloc's migration policies. Branco sat down with the EUobserver for an interview.

Q. Can ...

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'Some people should have to go to prison' says Juan Branco, the lawyer behind a complaint at the International Criminal Court at the Hague examining the EU's policy on migration - particularly Libya (Photo: Emma Sofia Dedorson)


Author Bio

Emma Sofia Dedorson is a freelance journalist based in Paris.


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