Next week Georgia Meloni might be prime minister of Italy (Photo: Wikimedia)

Background reads: Italy's election

Voters in Italy, the third largest eurozone country, are going to the ballot box this Sunday, and are likely to vote in a rightwing government with possibly a neo-fascist prime minister. Here's how we got here — in previously published articles.

EUobserver has been around for more than two decades, during which we published almost 74,000 articles. I, as freshly minted editor-in-chief, have published one. Or two, if you count this one.

Nonetheless, our archive — which is

Author Bio

Alejandro Tauber is Publisher of EUobserver. He is Ecuadorian, German, and American, but lives in Amsterdam. His background is in tech and science reporting, and was previously editor at VICE's Motherboard and publisher of TNW.

Next week Georgia Meloni might be prime minister of Italy (Photo: Wikimedia)


Author Bio

Alejandro Tauber is Publisher of EUobserver. He is Ecuadorian, German, and American, but lives in Amsterdam. His background is in tech and science reporting, and was previously editor at VICE's Motherboard and publisher of TNW.


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