The age-old dilemma - reporting on Brussels from Brussels, or from member-state capitals?


Building pan-European media: why is it so hard?

The age-old dilemma - reporting on Brussels from Brussels, or from member-state capitals?

Why don't we have a true pan-European media? It's a question I ask in all earnesty as editor of a news outlet called EUobserver. Yes, we publish about the EU and Europe, and yes, our intended audience are European citizens — but at the same time, we focus on a niche (EU affairs) that a limited audience is interested in. Unfortunately.

Same goes for other — better-known — examples people might throw my way. Euronews focuses mostly on news and busi...

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Author Bio

Alejandro Tauber is Publisher of EUobserver. He is Ecuadorian, German, and American, but lives in Amsterdam. His background is in tech and science reporting, and was previously editor at VICE's Motherboard and publisher of TNW.
