The inscription at the entrance to the school of Troeglitz reads: 'We teach, learn, and fight for peace'. (Photo: Groundhopping Merseburg)

Germany grapples with attitudes to asylum seekers

First mayor Markus Nierth resigned amid threats from right-wing extremists. Then the planned asylum accommodation in Troeglitz, a small town of 2,800 people, was set on fire.

Anti-immigrant and xenophobic sentiments have taken hold in the town in the eastern German region of Saxony-Anhalt where parts of the population, together with the right-wing extremist NPD party, rallied for weeks against giving accommodation to 40 asylum seekers.

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The inscription at the entrance to the school of Troeglitz reads: 'We teach, learn, and fight for peace'. (Photo: Groundhopping Merseburg)



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