Slovak prime minister Igor Matovič (left) and MEP Peter Pollák announcing the move

Slovak army deployed to quarantine Roma settlements

Slovakia is to deploy the army to prevent a potential Covid-19 infection spreading in and out of its Roma settlements.

The government has launched mass testing and intends possible lockdowns of whole communities, as the epidemic is likely to grow much faster in localities with poor hygienic conditions.

"It is by no means a demonstration of power," maintained Igor Matovic, the Slovak prime minister on Wednesday (1 April).

"We just want to make use of doctors in uniform to s...

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Author Bio

Lucia Virostkova is a reporter for Slovak public TV who previously worked at EUobserver


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Slovak prime minister Igor Matovič (left) and MEP Peter Pollák announcing the move


Author Bio

Lucia Virostkova is a reporter for Slovak public TV who previously worked at EUobserver


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