Now #IoRestoaCasa (I Stay at Home) risks becoming Italy's most hated hashtag. (Photo: G.Catania)


Italy: After the balcony-singing stopped ...

Now #IoRestoaCasa (I Stay at Home) risks becoming Italy's most hated hashtag. (Photo: G.Catania)

After more than 22,000 coronavirus-related deaths and over a month of lockdown, Italy's health emergency is taking its toll from the social point of view too. Stress is skyrocketing.

Those who venture to the supermarket without a mask risk a verbal lynching.

Residents watch the streets from their balconies and sometimes abuse runners, and even parents walking with children with disabilities.

And the quarantine is inevitably exacerbating long-standing issues, such as domes...

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Author Bio

Valentina Saini is a freelance journalist specialising in Italian social issues and politics, gender issues and the Middle East and North Africa region.
