Hahn (c) on a visit to Turkey in April, prior to the failed coup on 15 July (Photo:

EU to Turkey: Do you really want to join?

The EU has urged Turkey to clarify if it still wants to join the bloc, as relations between Ankara and Western allies deteriorate.

The EU’s enlargement commissioner, Johannes Hahn, spoke out in Austrian newspaper Die Presse on Wednesday (24 August), saying EU concern was "justified" that Turkey had violated rule of law in its purge after the failed putsch in July.

"If you want to join [the EU] you have to fulfil the criteria. The rules are not negotiable," he said.


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Author Bio

Andrew Rettman is EUobserver's foreign editor, writing about foreign and security issues since 2005. He is Polish, but grew up in the UK, and lives in Brussels. He has also written for The Guardian, The Times of London, and Intelligence Online.

Hahn (c) on a visit to Turkey in April, prior to the failed coup on 15 July (Photo:


Author Bio

Andrew Rettman is EUobserver's foreign editor, writing about foreign and security issues since 2005. He is Polish, but grew up in the UK, and lives in Brussels. He has also written for The Guardian, The Times of London, and Intelligence Online.


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