Since the 2016 referendum (and perhaps as a consequence of the result), the EU has shown interest in greater integration in security, which the UK had previously often blocked with its veto. (Photo: Defence Images)

Brexit raises questions for EU defence integration

Ahead of a new institutional cycle beginning in November, the European Commission and the EU-27 are reflecting upon the future global role of the EU, particularly its ability to act independently in the world.

Brexit has raised many questions about the EU's approach towards security and defence, especially its perception of the role that the UK, a major military actor on the continent, would play after it leaves the EU.

At the moment Brussels expects to engage with London on th...

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Anna Nadibaidze is a research & communications associate at the Open Europe think tank in London.

Since the 2016 referendum (and perhaps as a consequence of the result), the EU has shown interest in greater integration in security, which the UK had previously often blocked with its veto. (Photo: Defence Images)


Author Bio

Anna Nadibaidze is a research & communications associate at the Open Europe think tank in London.


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