Russian president Vladimir Putin (l) (Photo:


Getting personal: Putin's daughters on new EU blacklist

Europe is closing its doors to adult relatives of the Russian regime in reaction to its brutality in Ukraine, including president Vladimir Putin's daughters.

The president's daughters — 36-year old Maria Vorontsova and 37-year old Ekhaterina Tikhonova — are to be placed under a visa ban and asset freeze most likely by this weekend, according to a draft EU list seen by EUobserver.

The wives, ex-wives, sisters, stepdaughters, or mothers-in-law of several pro-Kremlin oligarchs and...

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Author Bio

Andrew Rettman is EUobserver's foreign editor, writing about foreign and security issues since 2005. He is Polish, but grew up in the UK, and lives in Brussels. He has also written for The Guardian, The Times of London, and Intelligence Online.

Russian president Vladimir Putin (l) (Photo:


Author Bio

Andrew Rettman is EUobserver's foreign editor, writing about foreign and security issues since 2005. He is Polish, but grew up in the UK, and lives in Brussels. He has also written for The Guardian, The Times of London, and Intelligence Online.


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