'The only way to make the vague and delayed Conference on the Future of Europe useful again is to involve European citizens in the choice of policies through the billions in public investment made by the Recovery Fund' (Photo: Chris Potter/

Five ideas to reshape 'Conference on Future of Europe'

Before the pandemic broke into our lives, one of the most topical issues in the European political debate was the long-awaited Conference on the Future of Europe.

The vagueness of the objectives was the main criticism of the conference proposal that the Commission and the European Parliament were on the verge of defining: no structural reform could have been forced by the consultation, since no proposal for treaty-change would have been...

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Lorenzo Mineo is campaign coordinator at Eumans, the movement of European citizens for Democracy and Sustainable Development, a member of the Citizens Take Over Europe alliance.

Marta Cillero Manzano is responsible for communications at European Alternatives, a transnational citizens movement for democracy and equality, and one of the organisations behind the Citizens Take Over Europe alliance.

'The only way to make the vague and delayed Conference on the Future of Europe useful again is to involve European citizens in the choice of policies through the billions in public investment made by the Recovery Fund' (Photo: Chris Potter/


Author Bio

Lorenzo Mineo is campaign coordinator at Eumans, the movement of European citizens for Democracy and Sustainable Development, a member of the Citizens Take Over Europe alliance.

Marta Cillero Manzano is responsible for communications at European Alternatives, a transnational citizens movement for democracy and equality, and one of the organisations behind the Citizens Take Over Europe alliance.


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