EU Commission president said the bloc will reach its target to vaccinate 70 percent of its population by the end of summer (Photo: European Parliament)

Von der Leyen on vaccines: 'We're tired of being the scapegoat'

"We are tired of being the scapegoat," EU Commission president Ursula von der Leyen said on Monday (8 March) as the EU executive continues to face pressure over the sluggish roll-out of vaccines in Europe.

Von der Leyen, in an interview with a group of journalists including EUobserver, criticised vaccine manufacturer AstraZeneca for failing to deliver the jabs it had promised to EU countries.

The commission president backed Italy's recent decision to block a shipment of AstraZen...

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Author Bio

Eszter Zalan is a Hungarian journalist who worked for Brussels-based news portal EUobserver specialising in European politics, focusing on populism and Brexit.

EU Commission president said the bloc will reach its target to vaccinate 70 percent of its population by the end of summer (Photo: European Parliament)


Author Bio

Eszter Zalan is a Hungarian journalist who worked for Brussels-based news portal EUobserver specialising in European politics, focusing on populism and Brexit.


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