Between 2007 and 2013, 14,000 doctors left their jobs in the Romanian public health system to practise abroad. (Photo: Unsplash)

Tackling 'healthcare drain': lessons from Eastern Europe

For years, Romania topped all lists of staff shortages in the healthcare sector.

Since its official entry into the EU in 2007 (and until 2013), 14,000 doctors left their jobs in the national public health system to practise abroad. Around 21,000 nurses applied for recognition of their qualifications for the same reason.

Where to tackle the problem? In 2017, a survey among public heal...

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Author Bio

Paula joined EUobserver in January 2023 and left for Euronews in 2024. Previously she worked for the Spanish online newspaper El Confidencial, where she covered mainly economic and financial affairs.

Between 2007 and 2013, 14,000 doctors left their jobs in the Romanian public health system to practise abroad. (Photo: Unsplash)


Author Bio

Paula joined EUobserver in January 2023 and left for Euronews in 2024. Previously she worked for the Spanish online newspaper El Confidencial, where she covered mainly economic and financial affairs.


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