The effects of the bad management of the Covid-19 crisis are clear: high unemployment, unaffordable prices, low wages, and the extensive 'précarisation' of working and living conditions (Photo: Shamballah)

Covid has exposed decades of poor EU decisions

In these times of unprecedented social and economic challenges, the EU must self-critically rethink decades of poor decisions.

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and its social, economic, and human consequences has demonstrated the failure of the neoliberal policy model. The Left is fighting to change the current reality, which only serves to widen the gap between countries and exacerbates inequalities.

The idea that market liberalisations are the answer to the political and eco...

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The effects of the bad management of the Covid-19 crisis are clear: high unemployment, unaffordable prices, low wages, and the extensive 'précarisation' of working and living conditions (Photo: Shamballah)


Author Bio

Heinz Bierbaum is president of the European Left.


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