Mar 14, 2025
The first reaction to terror attacks on European cities was unity. This quickly turned into increased polarisation - one of Europe's biggest problems (Photo: Nikolaj Nielsen)


Europe must stop falling into the ISIS trap

by Koert Debeuf, Brussels, January 13, 2022, 6:17:16 AM
1 co-observer

Four years ago, the global coalition to defeat the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) declared that its mission was accomplished. Indeed, ISIS was military defeated.

However, at least one element of the ISIS strategy is still gaining ground: creating polarisation in the West. This aim was to convince Muslims in the West that the only way to defend themselves is taking up arms and fight.

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The first reaction to terror attacks on European cities was unity. This quickly turned into increased polarisation - one of Europe's biggest problems (Photo: Nikolaj Nielsen)



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