In January, Danish prime minister Mette Frederiksen told parliament said that the government's goal is to have 'zero asylum-seekers coming to Denmark' (Photo: News Oresund)

'Discriminated, dehumanised' - Denmark's Syrian refugees

When Majdaleen Abu Naboot came to Denmark in September 2015, she was told she would be "safe" in the Scandinavian country.

New set of opportunities, a secure future and some friends. Naboot was hopeful and at last succeeded in starting a new life in Denmark over the past six years, leaving behind a tumultuous past marred by horrors of civil war in Syria.

But now a cloud of fear and uncertainty looms over her head again as her newly constructed life could end any time in the wake...

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Allia Bukhari is a journalist based in Denmark and an Erasmus Mundus scholar.

In January, Danish prime minister Mette Frederiksen told parliament said that the government's goal is to have 'zero asylum-seekers coming to Denmark' (Photo: News Oresund)


Author Bio

Allia Bukhari is a journalist based in Denmark and an Erasmus Mundus scholar.


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