Souda refugee camp in Greece (Photo: Mustafa Jado)

Council must act on core of EU migration package

This week the now-expired French EU presidency is set to announce the agreed relocation pledges under their solidarity plan.

Together with an agreement on Eurodac and screening, the European Council wants to show its willingness to move on the running migration files by taking these files out of the complete package. The faster the better.

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Hilde Vautmans is an MEP with Renew Europe and Open Vld and a member of the European Parliament LIBE Committee, shadow rapporteur of the Eurodac file and co-chair of the intergroup on children's rights.


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Souda refugee camp in Greece (Photo: Mustafa Jado)


Author Bio

Hilde Vautmans is an MEP with Renew Europe and Open Vld and a member of the European Parliament LIBE Committee, shadow rapporteur of the Eurodac file and co-chair of the intergroup on children's rights.


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