Souda refugee camp in Greece (Photo: Mustafa Jado)

Migrant healthcare must not be forgotten during Covid-19

Before Covid-19 ever reared its ugly head, migrants across Europe were suffering from overcrowded conditions and a lack of basic healthcare in refugee camps.

In the ensuing chaos surrounding Covid-19, they have been neglected by the media and policymakers alike. Yet the migrant crisis is far from over.

Migrant health issues have recently been exacerbated in 2020 thanks to tensions between the EU and Turkey along the Greek border, and the outbreak of Covid-19 is causing further <...

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Author Bio

Professor George Griffin is president of the Federation of European Academies of Medicine (FEAM) since 2018 and a Fellow of the UK Academy of Medical Sciences. He is emeritus professor of medicine and infectious diseases at St. George's, University of London and member of the board of Public Health England.
