Young Saharawis participating in the Agida agriculture project in Dakhla, with MEPs from the September 2018 delegation.

Daily reality in Western Sahara - and how EU can protect it

by Yanja Khattat, Dakhla-Oued Eddahab, Morocco,

I am very fortunate to represent one of the most beautiful regions of Morocco, Dakhla-Oued Eddahab.

Dakhla is a top-class destination for windsurfers throughout the year.

Our region is flourishing, but not only thanks to tourism. International trade agreements and investments have contributed massively to our wellbeing.

A few weeks ago, we welcomed to Dakhla a fact-finding mission from the European Parliament including severa...


The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Matthew is EUobserver's Opinion Editor. He joined EUobserver in June 2018. Previously he worked as a reporter for The Guardian in London, and as editor for AFP in Paris and DPA in Berlin.

Young Saharawis participating in the Agida agriculture project in Dakhla, with MEPs from the September 2018 delegation.


Author Bio

Matthew is EUobserver's Opinion Editor. He joined EUobserver in June 2018. Previously he worked as a reporter for The Guardian in London, and as editor for AFP in Paris and DPA in Berlin.


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