Factory farm gas is a crucial PR tool used by the industrial livestock industry to argue that livestock numbers do not need to be reduced because this tech fix makes the industry green (Photo: Stijn te Strake)

Beware the 'biomethane is green gas' hot-air PR trick

EU proposals to expand 'green gas' or 'biomethane', which the European Parliament will vote on in its revision of the Renewable Energy Directive next week (13 September), could expand the industry indiscriminately and have damaging effects.

Biomethane could supplant better alternatives, including dietary change, food waste prevention, afforestation, plant-based protein production and renewable electricity.

The production of biomethane begins when organic materials ('feedstocks')...

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Martin Bowman is the senior policy and campaigns manager at Feedback, a NGO focussing on a sustainable food system.

Factory farm gas is a crucial PR tool used by the industrial livestock industry to argue that livestock numbers do not need to be reduced because this tech fix makes the industry green (Photo: Stijn te Strake)


Author Bio

Martin Bowman is the senior policy and campaigns manager at Feedback, a NGO focussing on a sustainable food system.


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