Félix Bolaños, the Spanish justice minister, and Didier Reynders, EU commissioner for justice, during their meeting on Thursday (Photo: EC - Audiovisual Service)

Brussels denies having no 'concern' on Spain's amnesty law

Secrecy continues to shroud talks between the Spanish socialist party (PSOE) and Carles Puigdemont's pro-independence Catalan party, Junts — with neither side offering details on the dynamics of their political agreement.

On Saturday (2 December), Junts, PSOE and an "independent moderator" will meet for the first time in Geneva, Switzerland, as reported by Spanish media. The aim? To discuss the possibility of holding a new independence referendum, as well as other economic issues relate...

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Author Bio

Paula joined EUobserver in January 2023 and left for Euronews in 2024. Previously she worked for the Spanish online newspaper El Confidencial, where she covered mainly economic and financial affairs.

Félix Bolaños, the Spanish justice minister, and Didier Reynders, EU commissioner for justice, during their meeting on Thursday (Photo: EC - Audiovisual Service)


Author Bio

Paula joined EUobserver in January 2023 and left for Euronews in 2024. Previously she worked for the Spanish online newspaper El Confidencial, where she covered mainly economic and financial affairs.


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