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4 days ago
Conferences offer lobbyists informal access to EU officials with zero transparency — benefiting industry groups while civil society lacks comparable resources. The loophole to the two-year 'cooling down' period for former EU commissioners to start lobbying colleagues is 'social events'
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3 hours ago
Germany voted against after fighting the tariffs to the bitter end. Although the vote marks a victory for European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen, she will be wise to take note of the fractiousness in how the bloc engaged in its first stand against Chinese mercantilist policies. 
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9 hours ago
Manure is a major contributor to environmental challenges, yet 82 percent of EU agricultural subsidies still go toward supporting livestock farming. This creates a paradox — striving to tackle the problem while still funding its source.
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Plenary debate on the reintroduction of internal border controls in member states and its impact on the Schengen Area

Plenary debate on Russian interference in Moldova's upcoming presidential elections

Plenary debate on democratic backsliding in Georgia

Plenary debate on the EU's automotive industry crisis and competitiveness

Vote on the EU solidarity fund mobilisation

Plenary debate on violence escalation in the Middle East and the situation in Lebanon

Plenary debate about ensuring sustainable, decent and affordable housing in Europe

Plenary debate on breaches of human rights and rule of law

Presentation of the programme of activities of the Hungarian Presidency

Plenary debate on the consequences of the forest fires in the Amazon and the importance of the Amazon for climate change

Plenary debate on religious intolerance's rise in Europe


Accused of crimes, Greek coastguard hides from EU cameras

3 months ago
Cited as a "new observation" by Frontex's in-house rights monitors, the latest revelation poses additional accountability questions for a Greek coast guard accused of illegal collective pushbacks of people seeking asylum.
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Why EU leaders should get off Musk's X

1 month ago
Leaders should ask themselves - is X really what I want my brand to be associated with?
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Drainpipe of shame: How Orbán hypocrisy became a gay icon in Brussels

13 days ago
The drainpipe in Brussels where a far-right MEP fled a gay orgy still attracts tourists, who take pics to remember what Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán really represents.
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