We all know by now that holding elections is not enough to morph into a true democracy. Much is about what happens after the polls


Biden's 'democracy summit' is a risky venture

US president Joe Biden's upcoming "summit of democracies" may excite those invited but it is a risky venture.

The online gathering is unlikely to help heal democracies' deep and largely self-inflicted wounds.

More damagingly, it could endanger much-needed collective action to tackle global challenges and make the world an even more fiercely contested place. The

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Shada Islam is an independent EU analyst and commentator who runs her own strategy and advisory company New Horizons Project.


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We all know by now that holding elections is not enough to morph into a true democracy. Much is about what happens after the polls


Author Bio

Shada Islam is an independent EU analyst and commentator who runs her own strategy and advisory company New Horizons Project.


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