Italy is the deadliest country, including more than 40 percent of the top 100 worst regions and 50 percent of all deaths. (Photo: Mobile Reporter/EDJN)


Top 100 European places where Dieselgate 'kills' most

On 17 May, the same day the European commission took nine EU countries – the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and the UK – to the European Court of Justice for failing to implement measures to curb air pollution, the mayors of three European capitals – Brussels, Madrid and Paris – asked the court to reject the 2017 EU regulation that sets caps for diesel engine emissions.

The 110-percent tolerance margin in the emissions of nitrogen oxide (NOx) ...

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Author Bio

This article is part of the international investigation of Dieselgate, written by Stefano Valentino, former Brussels correspondent of Il Giornale and founder of MobileReporter, in collaboration with the European Data Journalism Network. The article was developed with the support of Translation by Ciaran Lawless at VoxEurop.

Italy is the deadliest country, including more than 40 percent of the top 100 worst regions and 50 percent of all deaths. (Photo: Mobile Reporter/EDJN)


Author Bio

This article is part of the international investigation of Dieselgate, written by Stefano Valentino, former Brussels correspondent of Il Giornale and founder of MobileReporter, in collaboration with the European Data Journalism Network. The article was developed with the support of Translation by Ciaran Lawless at VoxEurop.


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