National Front MEP and leader Marine Le Pen - Olaf is investigating if National Front MEPs have paid assistant salaries to people whose tasks are not related to European Parliament work (Photo:

MEPs trade fraud allegations over assistants

Allegations that French far-right right MEPs have breached European Parliament rules on hiring assistants have triggered “tit-for-tat” accusations among other MEPs, the director of the EU's anti-fraud agency told journalists on Tuesday (2 June).

Giovanni Kessler likened it to the wave of accusations among German politicians that followed a 2011 plagiarism scandal involving the then defence minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg.

“They started accusing each other ... This is what is h...

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National Front MEP and leader Marine Le Pen - Olaf is investigating if National Front MEPs have paid assistant salaries to people whose tasks are not related to European Parliament work (Photo:



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