The conference of presidents of the European political groups. The tentative division of committee chairs was made using the traditional D'Hondt method, an informal formula that allocates positions based on group size — but the third-largest Patriots of Europe group is likely to hit the 'cordon sanitaire' (Photo: European Parliament)

Political groups announce wish lists for parliament committees

The European Parliament's new and existing political groups have come up with a tentative sketch on how to divide the chairmanships of the parliament’s various committees, after a meeting on Monday night (8 July).

Using the traditional D’Hondt method, a mathematical formula which determines bargaining power based on group size, each group formulated their wis...

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The conference of presidents of the European political groups. The tentative division of committee chairs was made using the traditional D'Hondt method, an informal formula that allocates positions based on group size — but the third-largest Patriots of Europe group is likely to hit the 'cordon sanitaire' (Photo: European Parliament)


Author Bio

Piet Ruig is a Brussels-based journalist who previously worked for the Dutch public broadcaster VPRO.


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