'Our interest is a stable, strong and secure Union. And within it, the Czech Republic must act actively and coherently,' the tycoon turned prime minister said (Photo: Consilium)


Babis - 'pro-EU' leader of sceptic Czech Republic

'Our interest is a stable, strong and secure Union. And within it, the Czech Republic must act actively and coherently,' the tycoon turned prime minister said (Photo: Consilium)

When driving outside Prague, gigantic national flags adorn Czech motorways at regular intervals.

In a region, central Europe, where euroscepticism is high, this could be interpreted as a show of impassioned nationalism. In fact, it is a loophole Czech advertisers found to maintain billboards after advertising on roadsides was banned by the government.

The paradox is similar with the country's prime minister Andrej Babis.

An outspoken critic of the EU's migration and tax pol...

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