Sylvie Goulard in 2017, with French president Emmanuel Macron. 'As competition commissioner, you will take on a responsibility to counteract recent developments, which have undermined Europe's position in the world economy for at least a decade.' (Photo: European Parliament)

Wishlist for Goulard at European Parliament grilling

First I would like to congratulate you, Mrs Goulard, on your nomination to the post of commissioner.

Your designated portfolio is the core on which our union was founded. It is a cornerstone in need of big and bold reform in order not only to sustain, but to thrive.

Your actions will be crucial for the future of the entire European Union. With this new position, you will take on a responsibility to counteract recent developments, which have undermined Europe's position in the wo...

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Jorgen Warborn is a Swedish MEP from the Moderate Party/European People's Party group, and former businessman.

Sylvie Goulard in 2017, with French president Emmanuel Macron. 'As competition commissioner, you will take on a responsibility to counteract recent developments, which have undermined Europe's position in the world economy for at least a decade.' (Photo: European Parliament)


Author Bio

Jorgen Warborn is a Swedish MEP from the Moderate Party/European People's Party group, and former businessman.


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