The depths of Russian interference in Moldova are staggering. Moldovan intelligence reveals a chilling reality: in 2023 alone, over $55m [€51.2m] was funnelled into destabilising the country (Photo: Ecaterina Buruiană,


EU needs to help Moldova fight Russian disinfo attacks

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As 2024 unfolds, Moldova finds itself at a decisive juncture. With pivotal presidential elections, a crucial EU referendum, and parliamentary contests looming by mid-2025, the destiny of the nation hangs in the balance.

Despite the popularity of Moldova's president Maia Sandu and her administration, the country is under siege from a barrage of crises and escalating hybrid assaults targeting its political integrity.

The stakes transcend Moldova's borders, casting a long shadow over the European Union, Ukraine, and democratic allies, such as the US, UK, and Canada.

Amid Russia's relentless onslaught and collusion with local oligarchs, urgent action is imperative. Europe and its allies must fortify their strategic communications and deliver resolute support.

Against the backdrop of the Ukraine conflict, Moldova's stability teeters on the edge, demanding a swift and substantial response.

Russia, in collaboration with fugitive Moldovan oligarchs, orchestrates elaborate disinformation campaigns aimed at undermining Moldova's democratic advancements.

These efforts encompass energy coercion, the promotion of separatism, the propagation of corruption, and the inundation of social media platforms, such as Facebook, Telegram, and TikTok with falsehoods.

A recent deepfake video circulating on TikTok, falsely depicting president Sandu endorsing candidates supported by the fugitive oligarch Ilan Shor, garnered nearly 1m views, vividly illustrating the magnitude and detrimental impact of these tactics.

The depths of Russian interference in Moldova are staggering.

Moldovan intelligence reveals a chilling reality: In 2023 alone, over $55m [€51.2m] was funnelled into destabilising the country.

This financial juggernaut allows Russian propaganda to drown out the voices of democracy, employing sophisticated tactics to sow fear and spread misinformation among Moldovan citizens.

A particularly alarming incident serves as a stark reminder of the magnitude of this threat. On 24 April 2024, Moldovan authorities intercepted pro-Russian political activists returning from a congress in Moscow, carrying a staggering sum exceeding $1m.

This brazen attempt to subvert Moldova's stability and democratic ideals underscores the sheer scale of resources being mobilised to undermine the nation's sovereignty and democratic progress.

Battling fake news

In light of these challenges, Moldova has embarked on a determined path to combat disinformation. The Parliament has taken decisive action by prohibiting several Russian state-owned TV channels and initiating the establishment of a Center for Strategic Communication and Countering Disinformation.

Furthermore, with the backing of the EU, a National Cybersecurity Agency is being established. Yet, while these initiatives represent significant strides, they are long-term solutions.

Moldova urgently requires immediate assistance to effectively confront the persistent onslaught of disinformation campaigns.

Europe's communication strategies must evolve to confront Russia's multifaceted threats. A comprehensive update is essential to ensure agility and impact, particularly on platforms like Telegram and TikTok, where Russian narratives gain traction.

Additional funding channels and streamlined processes are vital to empowering local civil society and communication centres, redirecting resources to targeted social media campaigns.

This includes reallocating resources from traditional promotional materials to targeted social media advertising, engaging influencers, and delivering tailored messages to diverse demographic groups, including regions, such as Gagauzia and Balti.

Creating a coordinated, multinational funding mechanism could harmonise support efforts across the EU, the US, the UK, and other democratic partners.

Simplifying application procedures with a standardised template, similar to the EU CV Europass, would empower NGOs and activists to focus on strengthening democracy instead of navigating complex funding applications.

The upcoming elections in Moldova carry immense significance. Their outcome will profoundly influence the nation's democratic path and its ties with the EU.

For Europe and its allies, backing Moldova transcends regional interests; it represents a pivotal battleground in the global fight for democratic principles against authoritarian encroachment.

As Moldova stands at this critical juncture, it is imperative for the democratic West to bolster its support, employing innovative and resolute measures to uphold democracy and advance European ideals.

The moment calls for decisive action. The fate of Europe and the preservation of democracy in the region hinge upon it.


The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Carolina Bogatiuc is a policy fellow on EU Affairs at the Institute for Policy and Strategic Initiatives (IPIS), former chief of staff to the former Moldovan minister of foreign affairs and European integration, Nicu Popescu.

The depths of Russian interference in Moldova are staggering. Moldovan intelligence reveals a chilling reality: in 2023 alone, over $55m [€51.2m] was funnelled into destabilising the country (Photo: Ecaterina Buruiană,


Author Bio

Carolina Bogatiuc is a policy fellow on EU Affairs at the Institute for Policy and Strategic Initiatives (IPIS), former chief of staff to the former Moldovan minister of foreign affairs and European integration, Nicu Popescu.


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