Italy went into at least partial lockdown first, among EU member states. Now it is cautiously, with confusion, entering Phase Two (Photo: G.Catania)


Confusion in Italy as it enters 'Phase Two' lockdown

Italy went into at least partial lockdown first, among EU member states. Now it is cautiously, with confusion, entering Phase Two (Photo: G.Catania)

Italy finds itself divided at the beginning of the so-called "Phase Two" of its lockdown.

Some like the 'new normal' based on the measures announced by prime minister's Giuseppe Conte's government, while others do not.

Experts, lobbies, and citizens consider some of its aspects both arbitrary and unreasonable .

From last Monday (4 May), for instance, it is now allowed to visit family members - provided they live in the same region.

"The law allows me to visit my sec...

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