Maria Cristina Giacomelli, a pharmacist in historic Vicenza, tells EUobserver: 'Since Friday, there has been a continuous demand for masks and disinfectant gels - but unfortunately we have exhausted all stocks' (Photo: Valentina Saini)


Coronavirus: voices from a quarantined Italian town

Maria Cristina Giacomelli, a pharmacist in historic Vicenza, tells EUobserver: 'Since Friday, there has been a continuous demand for masks and disinfectant gels - but unfortunately we have exhausted all stocks' (Photo: Valentina Saini)

Vicenza is a wealthy city in Veneto, one of the two Italian regions most affected by the so-called 'emergenza coronavirus' (coronavirus emergency).

In pharmacies, mothers phone their sons. "Do you and your wife need surgical masks? Do you have any? How many do you need?"

In supermarkets and groceries, shelves start emptying of pasta, bread, and other essentials. Maria Cristina Giacomelli, a pharmacist in the historic centre of the city, tells EUobserver: "Since Friday, there has ...

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Author Bio

Valentina Saini is a freelance journalist specialising in Italian social issues and politics, gender issues and the Middle East and North Africa region.
