MEP Sophie in 't Veld: 'I see my colleagues looking at me as if I'm Che Guevara, you know, some very dangerous revolutionary or something' (Photo: Helena Malikova)

Book Club: The Scent of Wild Animals

Liberal lawmaker Sophie in 't Veld says the European Union's survival depends on overcoming creeping sclerosis, ending acquiescence to autocrats, and embracing the kind of political spectacle that captures the public imagination.

In her new book, The Scent of Wild Animals

Author Bio

EU Scream is the progressive politics podcast from Brussels. Produced by James Kanter with graphics by Helena Malikova and music by Lara Natale.

You may also follow via @euscreams subscribe via iTunes, Spotify or from the EU Scream website.

MEP Sophie in 't Veld: 'I see my colleagues looking at me as if I'm Che Guevara, you know, some very dangerous revolutionary or something' (Photo: Helena Malikova)


Author Bio

EU Scream is the progressive politics podcast from Brussels. Produced by James Kanter with graphics by Helena Malikova and music by Lara Natale.

You may also follow via @euscreams subscribe via iTunes, Spotify or from the EU Scream website.


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