The worst and largest wildfire ever recorded in the EU is still active in the Evros region, near Greece’s border with Turkey (Photo: European Space Agency)


Europe's summer wildfires: the lessons to be learnt

This summer's wildfires have dominated headlines, with pictures of helicopters flying overhead and tourists fleeing — and politicians across Europe blaming the magnitude of the disaster primarily on climate change.

However, experts have called upon authorities to actually raise awareness and improve forest and vegetation management to reduce the fire risk.

The worst and largest wildfire ever recorded in the EU is still active in...

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Author Bio

Elena is EUobserver's Managing Editor. She is from Spain and has studied journalism and new media in Spanish and Belgian universities. Previously she worked on European affairs at VoteWatch Europe and the Spanish news agency EFE.

The worst and largest wildfire ever recorded in the EU is still active in the Evros region, near Greece’s border with Turkey (Photo: European Space Agency)


Author Bio

Elena is EUobserver's Managing Editor. She is from Spain and has studied journalism and new media in Spanish and Belgian universities. Previously she worked on European affairs at VoteWatch Europe and the Spanish news agency EFE.


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