An emerging body of research calls into question whether establishing credible, high-integrity soil carbon offsets is possible given the complexities (Photo: Andrew Stawarz)

Is EU making same mistake as US 'carbon-farming' gamble?

When the European Commission unveiled its strategy to boost carbon capture on farmland last year, both farmers and green groups were rather lukewarm about the proposal.\n \nKnown as "carbon farming", the scheme promises to create a new revenue stream for farmers for the amount of carbon stored in the soil. The idea is that agricultural soils can remove carbon from the atmosphere and compensate for at least some ongoing emissions.\n \nHowever, before the release of its proposed carbon removals...

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The views expressed in this opinion piece are the author’s, not those of EUobserver

Author Bio

Shefali Sharma is the director of the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy's European office. IATP is a non-profit think tank with headquarters in the US, working to create fair food and agriculture systems.


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An emerging body of research calls into question whether establishing credible, high-integrity soil carbon offsets is possible given the complexities (Photo: Andrew Stawarz)


Author Bio

Shefali Sharma is the director of the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy's European office. IATP is a non-profit think tank with headquarters in the US, working to create fair food and agriculture systems.


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