The watering-down was needed to get enough support from member states and an increasingly unfriendly parliament (Photo: James Baltz/Unsplash)

EU nature restoration law approved after massive backlash

The EU Parliament approved the long-debated Nature Restoration Law on Tuesday (27 February) — despite last-minute lobbying efforts from the agricultural sector.

Hailed with loud applause by the 329 MEPs that approved the text, the final compromise approved is much weaker than the original EU Commission proposal first tabled in 2022.

This watering down was needed to get enough support from member states and an increasingly unfriendly parliament.

After already failing to sc...

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Author Bio

Wester is a journalist from the Netherlands with a focus on the green economy. He joined EUobserver in September 2021. Previously he was editor-in-chief of Vice, Motherboard, a science-based website, and climate economy journalist for The Correspondent.


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The watering-down was needed to get enough support from member states and an increasingly unfriendly parliament (Photo: James Baltz/Unsplash)


Author Bio

Wester is a journalist from the Netherlands with a focus on the green economy. He joined EUobserver in September 2021. Previously he was editor-in-chief of Vice, Motherboard, a science-based website, and climate economy journalist for The Correspondent.


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