The Spanish government has continuously argued that it is in the public interest to protect energy suppliers from foreign takeover, as this would put their security of supply at risk (Photo: European Community, 2006)

Brussels to tackle Spanish energy protectionism after summer

The European Commission has said it will decide in early September on whether to take legal action against Spain for enacting new laws that could prevent the country's largest power company being taken over by a German energy concern.

Madrid gave extra powers to its national energy commission, CNE, in February meaning it could block Germany's E.ON bid for Spain's Endesa.

"We think the energy committee, as it was set up, is not in compliance with European law. We said we think this...

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The Spanish government has continuously argued that it is in the public interest to protect energy suppliers from foreign takeover, as this would put their security of supply at risk (Photo: European Community, 2006)



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