Refugees on the Greek island of Kos, at the height of the migration 'crisis' in 2015. Are such pictures, on EU territory, really superior to the situation on the US border? (Photo: Freedom House)

Trump's wall vs Europe's sea

Of all the dreadful things president Donald Trump has unleashed upon us, the smugness of Europeans' response to him might well be the most irritating.

The barrage of brutality and idiocy coming out of the White House makes us feel sophisticated and highly enlightened by comparison and, boy, do we revel in it.

The excuse for the current shutdown is a case in point.

"Every day," America's alpha-male stated live on national television, "customs and border patrol agents encoun...

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Refugees on the Greek island of Kos, at the height of the migration 'crisis' in 2015. Are such pictures, on EU territory, really superior to the situation on the US border? (Photo: Freedom House)


Author Bio

Sophie in t'Veld is a Dutch MEP from the Democrats 66 party.


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