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2 days ago
A new poll of polls to track the upcoming June EU parliament elections, built on a extensive weighted polling data to best approach accuracy.
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55 minutes ago
Cooperation on migration, security and geopolitics were on the agenda European Council president Charles Michel's three-country tour of West Africa this week, as the former Belgian premier made a concerted effort to develop EU influence in the region. 
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1 hour ago
Achtung, espresso lovers! The EU’s incoming “deforestation-free” regulation, which comes into place in December 2024, is likely to impact supplies to the bloc of coffee beans. And Europe is the world's largest market for coffee.
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Informal meeting of the General Affairs Council

Agriculture and Fisheries Council

Informal meeting of the General Affairs Council

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Lithuanian presidential elections

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EU elections


EU reliant on Russian LNG for time being, finds report

6 days ago
The European Union will remain reliant on Russian overseas liquified natural gas supply for some years to come, warned energy watchdog Acer, amid calls to cut off supply completely.
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Welcome to the new EUobserver

9 days ago
New website, same EUobserver. Come explore its updated look, features and possibilities for the future with us.
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Russian disinfo warfare also uses the 'meat waves' military tactic

2 days ago
Like sending barely-trained and unarmed soldiers to the front line, the 'meat waves' of Russian information warfare are not aiming to penetrate Western information space by being exceptionally smart – they are simply seeking to overwhelm it with great numbers of pro-Kremlin, anti-Ukrainian and/or conspiracy narratives.
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